Universal Right to LIFE

The right of all

In 2011, Shaun Alberto de Freitas and Georgia Alida Myburgh wrote a paper on the rights of the unborn child. Seeking Deliberation on the Unborn in International Law Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2011. They emphasized that the paper stand for a push to ensure that the international community define the status of the unborn child, who has been relegated due to lack of priorities, but despite the need to define the child this is not an attack against women,  “bearing in mind that opposition to abortion does not of itself constitute an attack on a woman's right to respect for privacy in her life”.

The right of all, the value of every life and the struggle of this truth in the current world environment is a tragic fact. Why should black lives matter be more important than all lives matter, can the chat not be because all lives matter black lives must matter. Does black lives matter represent not a social growth that seeks the elevation of one to be equal but not of greater value to any other? I must with all respect disagree, All lives matter and because this must be a universal truth Blacks lives must matter to all People!! Hence, the battle is not in the linguistic arrangement nor an attack against another group but in the assurance and establishing of a universal truth that must be applied by institutions.

As the world declares that lives must matter, there is one group that is dependent on the convenience of their parent. Two children in different wombs, one child is aborted another is allowed to live and is received with joy. The rejection of an infant by the parent in the womb especially following a heartbeat, can affect the pregnancy. Why should all children matter be defined as excluding the unborn at the discretion of their parent? Yet the pregnancy if lost during an active crime may become an act of murder that the accused must pay the community for?

I was cry when I reflect on a world, that gives right to terminate a pregnancy at will. Yet a person may be charged for infanticide if a pregnancy is lost in a crime, regardless if it had been wanted or rejected by the parent. How do we relate that fact, how can we make it a truth? Across the globe intellectual players have taken steps to validate the rights of the unborn, but more efforts are required. In the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Hong Kong the concept of unborn victim is reality and can be argued in a case of law. While New Zealand and Australia are working on the issue to define such acts as part of criminal accountability. Most developing countries recognize a child as a living person yet past decades of liberalism has attempted to stop this status quo to ensure the availability for donor funding following relaxation of abortion laws.

While I understand that a woman may need to have a medically ensured removal for medical purposes, or psychological purposes following rape and abuse. There have been cases that encouraged full term pregnancies in tragic circumstance that have ended well, be it with the parent or adoption.

Accepting that one can not hinder sexual activity in individuals, and that abortions are not limited to single teens, or promiscuous women. Many mature or career women seek abortion for fear of social stigma of late pregnancies or development hindrances.

My humble opinion is let there be a promotion of sex education, moral education and family education that defines al three and how they impact a child. Many children have no moral guidelines and less family time or even family structures to note that value of good family, the importance of morals and ethics and how these impacts individuals and communities at large.

There is the battle, if I can not communicate the value of morals, the importance of awareness in decisions from the onset i.e. choosing preventive contraception once I have chosen to be sexually active as a responsible path. Many people fail to understand the impact an abortion has on their spirit and body. These facts must be addressed at family, community and school level that all options and effects are clearly defined for the good of human society.

So as the world moves forward, let all lives matter and let’s hold institutions accountable, making sure representatives make laws and that these laws are adhered to. Let there be discussion on the value of every unborn child, regardless of the past errors of the adoption programs, foster system and parenting at large.


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