What is the wonderer doing?

What is the wonderer doing? 

The migration story is usually in the news because of the tragic loss of lives that dare to cross the seas or seek a seat by the wheels of planes. As people seek space to travel the world for a better life. The idea that migration is about adults who seek to act out is only part of the story. Migration is also the story of the youth and the child. The migraines child who seeks to make life better and drops out of school, trusting in the future. The teachers who cry at potential lost and hope deferred that had made the heart sick and weak. The suffering of the mother who looks at her child, wondering will she ever the child again. 

The migration story is more than economics to some its live and death, progress and total failure, though only economics makes its equitable for management and business of politics and development. Migration is the move people make, as individuals who may be broken and  frustrated seek change. Regardless of the fact that this change may not be worth it. Migration is the back of the untamed stallion that the ride must subdue for success or the bull of the matador he must take by the horn and refuse to look back.

I was reflecting at a child I saw grow up before my eyes, and how the changes of the world made this child agree to a difficult decision.  The economic challenges in the country brought about by droughts, corruption in leadership, poor planning at national level and the fatigue of corporates to try to manage legality in an illegal environment where the black market is king. 

Having won the opportunity to attend a conference in a western country this child was full of joy. let us call him James like the father of work, James message to the church was that faith without world is dead. So whatever you believe must have reciprocal action to add value. Young James full of joy at the gift went home. On arrival the family danced for joy, so young a child almost about to go to high school what joy what honour what an opportunity. The opportunity that came forth after family meetings as the parents shared and then consulted ,was not what the child was expecting. 

The questions moved from what joy when are you going, to who will be with you. The child shores the friends who would be part of the group sent out. the parents meet all four with passion to ensure a total change in their children's lives. One child would return whose parents refused but with solidarity kept the silence to the plan. On arrival the children did their duty, they attend the conference and on the very last day they packed their most treasured things, left their suitcases and walked out of the door. 

Three minors became illegal migrants and are now adults naturalised by different means in nations that they had not planned to attend. When opportunity came nocking, they were led to make a choice for the good of the family and themselves. The migrant issue has impacted lives in ways that can not be imagined as I look at this young man, I wish him well and pray that he didn't have to hard a journey nor missed out on his youth. Many people have said conversation on migration is over valued. There not enough of them to matter or enough money to care for them. 

Migration is about lives, about economies, about politics, its about the environment it about society and anthropology, it impacts diversity and demands attention in the world. Migration speaks of our limitations, hope and perseverance, it declares that humanity is interlocked in manners that bind us joyfully and painfully together. 
#migration #youth #trafficking #hope #dream #peace #relationships #justice #peace


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