Stop the Churn
There are times in life that are filled with applause and celebration and other times that are full of silence. When I look at what has been going on in the world, I see that the greatest danger in the world is not ignorance but assumptions.

Some may view them as the same thing, but they are not ignorance is far more acceptable than assumptions. When a teacher walks into a class room or a new boss into a an office or a new student into a group. The dangerous group or individuals, most prone to endangering any progress of relationship building and thus progress, as those with assumptions rather than those who are plainly ignorant.
When I am in a relationship, be it with a new friendship or a family member, the danger to our relationship is the actions and words that are spoken based on ones assumptions. Assumptions hold that we are supposed to understand things outside what is presented. The missed expectations are amplified and become catalyst to disassociation.
I love ignorance for true ignorance desires to learn. Ignorance will give you a chance. Indeed true ignorance desires to get to know more of a subject. true ignorance accepts its limitations and will not act out of its platform. A toddler who enters into a new school will seek to be accepted, their attitude at a young age is to reach out and be loved and share love in the manner that they have experienced. They eat up what is taught to them and accept it as healthy and important. The danger begins once information, habits and attitudes begin to be formed and hardened.
Then what happens, ignorance is based on information, information is interpreted based on communal influences and these build up the monster of assumptions. When the teacher assumes the student know the teaching will not seek to build or check the foundation of learning. when an employee assumes that an company should know what they need and care for them in a set manner, there is gradually reduction of communication. in the case of online companies the term churn has been used, the gradual loss of clients. We have different areas of impact but may also be affected by churn. The loss of friends, the loss of relationship and the loss of voters.
Churn stems from assumptions the desired need will not, cannot or even may not be met. Regardless of the different level of confidence assumptions have the power to crush us. Assumptions can become a vice that binds us, stops businesses from growing, stops us from hope and stops us from progress. If your sibling assumes that you must accept everything they say as the truth then detachment is caused by living out your life in their presence. Like the butter churn any force imposed will bring out increase change from milk to butter.
The reason social and marketing churn is so active is because of communication deficit. This allows competitors market as a valid option or feed misinformation through slander and gossip. The issue of Churn in your life demands that you answer.
- Answering the question: How much do you care for this relationship, and if you chose to care regardless if churn has begun or not.
- Maintain follow up, maintain communication, remind them of their value in your life beyond material gain.
If they are your client seek to understand why they matter, how they fit in your vision. This is assuming you are in business to meet a need and not just to make a quick profit. If churn is occurring in relationships connect them then to the common ground , what is it that matters to both of you and maintain communication.
Regardless of the relationship. Apply their input and highlight that changes are based on their input after you identify the value of that input. Admitting that you are changing and developing through clients or friends and family in your context increases your attraction as honest party.
While doing all things to connect, reconnect and maintain connections, accept that misinformation, slander and gossip will be initiated by someone at time (be it external or internal). This is life, not the end of the world, not the betrayal of the century, people are will be people who will do wrong. Try to learn and understand them, there is no need to justify them. At times they need to be reached out to for others left alone.
Some enjoy division because of internal dysfunction in them, or the desire to destroy or be the top dog. In business and institutional structures (schools etc) there are structure to reporting malicious acts, in relationships silence my be golden. Some just seek to divide you from a relationship. Don't focus on them focus on building the relationship you want and trust that your motive, ethics and character will connect and retain.
In all efforts to stop churn accept to be teachable, humble and smart (having a holistic world view). If you can not be the only company in their lives offering the service be one of the companies, If you can not be the best friend be one of the friends of course this does not count in intimate relationships like marriage, if there is a partner leave it alone to live or die remove your presence. Let ethics, principles and truth lead before you churn.
Communicate there is power in words to build and destroy use them wisely in every relations and forgive yourself for the past so that you can possess the future.
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