So what Next?

We all desire rights and laws that protect us, security is a right that is often not possessed. 

The constitution of Zimbabwe begins with a preamble; which includes a number of declarations. A segmented outline of the preamble as required to emphasise this write up is as follows: “We the people of Zimbabwe, United in our diversity by our common desire for freedom, justice and equality, and our heroic resistance to colonialism, racism and all forms of domination and oppression …. Recognising the need to entrench democracy, good, transparent and accountable governance and the rule of law… Determined to overcome all challenges and obstacles that impede our progress, Cherishing freedom, equality, peace, justice, tolerance, prosperity and patriotism in search of new frontiers under a common destiny, … Resolve by the tenets of this Constitution to commit ourselves to build a united, just and prosperous nation, founded on values of transparency, equality, freedom, fairness, honesty and the dignity of hard work, And imploring the guidance and support of Almighty God, hereby make this Constitution and commit ourselves to it as the fundamental law of our beloved land.

Much like all democratic countries that follow the thoughts of Baron de Montesquieu that seek to give power to the masses and separate power within the democracy so that government may be held accountable. The Zimbabwean government under the new dispensation in 2017, moves to ensure that that state apparatus are functional through strengthening their ability to perform their duties.

One awaits a time when the police service is recognised as a treasured part of the daily lives of ordinary people. The day when children celebrate the police force and consider it an honour to serve their nation through its apparatus. When being an officer is not the last option, but a well-planned destined effort to make a safer and better world. This endeavour requires not only policy and institutional restructuring which is currently in progress. It requires reciprocation from civic society and public will. Each stakeholder must play their part, and this would be a wonderful thing. To see the media celebrates specific instances of good policing, investigation and service in song, film, paint, sketch and print. Artists creating a new culture by starting an ‘animated artistic’ revolution; as they influence social perception and encourage internal value in the force. 

The value of Scotland Yard or the American Federal Bureau of Investigation or Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) and others like them; are based on civilian efforts to celebrate the police force. Not because that police force is perfect; but it is of intricate significance for society at large. Hence one hopes that the media in its different forms will take up the button to encourage the nation through the varied true life stories when the police fulfil their constitutional obligation of: 

A. detecting, investigating and preventing crime;
B. preserving the internal security of Zimbabwe;
C. protecting and securing the lives and property of the people;
D. maintaining law and order; and
E. upholding this Constitution and enforcing the law without fear or favour.

We need to highlight the good and the bad. Indeed the Police Service Commission must be held accountable. It must ensure that the police service maintains internal mechanism of audit and control to maintain a high standard of efficiency and is well sustained; while ensuring harmony between the police and civilians. As the police service works be it internally or with regional and international bodies. All effort must be to ensure its independence through being non-partisan, national in character and patriotic in its action. 

A season can never remain new the change of government brought some, good results including; restored pride, identity, dignity and hope for the future at least in the beginning. A season demarcates the type of action that is required, be it planting, harvesting or storing of the crop. Hence Zimbabweans entered into this new era not to be observers but astute aware participants, who contribute before they partake. 

Machiavelli described corruption as a process by which the virtue of the citizen was undermined and eventually destroyed. "Since most men are weak and lacking in the virtue of the good citizen except when inspired by a great leader, the process of corruption is ever threatening. And when virtue has been corrupted, a heroic leader must appear who in rebuilding the political order infuses this virtue into the entire citizenry." Arnold Heidenheimer (1993 p. 25). 

As we took the opportunity to partake of the audacity of hope, we danced or sang without head that it be transformed into tantrums and grumbling. The current leadership seeks to inspire the nation. When we stop doing wrong; we should then not just do nothing; but we must start doing right. While much was done right on paper, the gossip and rumour mills declare that much mire wrong is being implemented not with the brusqueness of the former but with the calculated sanguinary not seen before. The nation recalls that policy is just the background music to this dance of development and that all rights have responsibilities yet accountability seems a mirage. The government’s actions can only and will be judged with time, until then we cannot but wait. 

As in any dance between partners, the beat of the music cannot cover the disjunction of dancers. It takes coordination by both parties to reveal the splendour of harmony. One of the values that found the preamble in the constitution is the dignity of hard work. In the past seasons hard work, efforts of planning, and education seemed all in vain as the beneficiaries of success and wealth were ‘skilled conmen’ with laziness, smooth words and easy cash spreading like glitter weeds blooming with blinding brightness. 

Regardless of the ages, be it at school or in the community. The prosperity of a people comes through sacrifice. Martin Luther King stated unless you have something to die for you have nothing to live for. The people are determined to overcome every obstacle; so as to create prosperity based on justice, freedom and equality; but the fatigue of working in a system that is both imbalanced and feverish has become a strain too many. As we moves about our business, we are asked to uphold the law, but doubt that the police will defend our rights.  

 “Accountability” is a cornerstone of the human rights framework and the very foundation of social harmony. World leaders made pledges of accountability at the United Nations stating that: “We recognize that, in addition to our separate responsibilities to our individual societies, we have a collective responsibility to uphold the principles of human dignity, equality and equity at the global level. As leaders we have a duty therefore to all the world’s people, especially the most vulnerable and, in particular, the children of the world, to whom the future belongs. United Nations Millennium Declaration7 . As a citizens we too are accountable not only to care for our children and families, we have a responsibility to our neighbourhoods, all of the next generation and society at large. 

Zimbabweans claim to be majority Christian community; while the remainder stand by different religions that espouse honesty, truth and values. Yet corruption is not only part of the culture it has become a system of operation more efficient effective than other methods of governance. The complaints come, the truth has no excuse for the facts, but what next. Corruption is her, hope has been deferred, frustration rises, yet the reality is what next? 

Why do I then believe government should be held at a greater standard of morality than myself? True ethics cannot dance with fraud, deception and corruption. Lets us claim the dignity of hard work and sacrifice; a call to ethics and accountability of both state and society. Who are we waiting for to build Zimbabwe for us? Who are we waiting for to do what’s right; when I go to ‘burn’ that dollar and increase inflation? Yet this very action is fuelling the economic challenges I am complain over. 

The world over, governments are ruled by individuals who we may espies as the least worthy of characters. Yet the middle class in most communities refuse to stand ups and fight in the city ground. The mass migrations in Africa are testament of institutional failure and social fatigue. Yet life must go on and migration may be the answer for some yet the majority remains too answer so what next. Will you do right and fight wrong, or will you enable wrong and complain while being part of the bigger problem. 

The routine death of black American is enabled by the silence of those despise the inapt governments, they know what to do but will not stand up and fight the system , when good people remain silent corruption, racism, gender based violence and all sorts of abuses flourish. 


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