My brothers Keeper

Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are - Benjamin Franklin
The failure of society to feel public outrage at the abuse of another is enabled the increasing rise in violence against the weak and disenfranchised in our society. The most tragic silence is found in the Christian community that during the past decades of attacks against blacks and women has retain its private closest attitude of prayer without action or words.
1 John 3:17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?
We see pictures of children and how they at a young age do not act out of bias and stereotyping . We see the evidence that hate is learned and once learned and encouraged is difficult to uproot. Hate is an attitude taught and ingrained by the community they live in. So what leads to the acceptance of hateful acts’ by a community from an individual in their group.
It’s tragic that the religious community leaders have failed to speak out against abuse, be it by governments and leaders in the name of focusing energy in praying for the leaders of the nation. While I do not in anyway deny the power of prayer like James I say If you send your brother back out when you have failed to act or speak up for them in their moment of need then what you have done is not worthy of the faith.
James 2:14-17 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
There is need to pray and deal with the social brokenness that is building up a generation of hateful men in the white community. The failure to find personal identity without the need to abuse another reveals a chasm of moral, spiritual and psychological reality that too must be addressed and stop opposenistic advocates who promote false identity through abuse of others.
A desire to belong, a culture of fear and the desire to live out power against someone else is shown in the tragic abuse by law enforcement personnel. The summary of these acts are based in insecurity of identity, an ideally that is limited in the owners eyes by the existence of another. The men who abuse women feel that they can only be men by the subjugation of their partners, the rightwing white member of the neo-Nazi lives his life with need to humiliate blacks and other minority so that through their pain he/she feels powerful.
If you see women abused in her home and you turn away and do not create the Platform to help her then we would have failed.
The crisis of identity of individuals who have suffered social and personal dysfunction of a sort resulting in the expression of their personal mental imbalance being justified as a moral right. Looking at those who seek to rise through the abuse of others, there is a brokenness that the we as communities must address and encourage individuals to find healing and identity in their faith and not through hurting others.

Abuse like a drug doesn't not heal the inner brokenness nor does it satisfy the ego in the long run. Those who witness abusive action and keep silent are enabling an addict to normalise their behaviour as right and valid and even moral.
Be your brothers keep step out and defend truth, right and ethical principles even if it means standing against family, friends or strangers. As each one of us acts out one single act of goodness we see the world transformed as a reward for our risk and sacrifice today. Its not easy, you may meet harm but doing good has its reward especially as a believer in Christ for God will not forget even if men do.
One act of goodness even at a personal level will impact the world around us.
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