Todays world

Todays world 

Have you taken a moment to embrace change in our sphere of life. Embrace reflects a point of acceptance and peace, or are you so angry at what is around you. Do you hate the change that has taken your ability to see anything good going on. Toxic lifestyles can be changed, one day at a time. 

It's unique that while societies crumble and seek to adjust to the change brought by the pandemic, while newnesses fills the air and the daily routine is broken, While families seek to plan their daily programs and maintain sanity. Others are using the change to progress. Before you hod the world accountable, before you fight every wind that blows, real or imagined. take a breather and open your eyes, you are alive. You have an opportunity to change the world, you have a purpose. jump around and count the gifts that you have from what seems silly to the greatest biggest thing. Breath, enjoy and embrace life, those around you and the hope that all of this represents. Do that first then hold other accountable while reaching out to help the next person. By being the best we can be and doing our part in ethical principled living and holding others accountable only after we have held ourselves accountable. 

The lack for decisive leadership and unselfish decision making is a danger around the world. In the western world big business is lobbying to take the whole cake and cut off their smaller competition in strategic financial sabotage. In the developing world individuals and organisation try to keep check on the donations given and how they are applied to help the community. We have just celebrated world earth day, a day that had low pollution levels, lower levels of crime and nature at peace as men takes a rest from the hype of progress. The world has changed and it seemed it all happened in a blink of an eye. Who would have thought we would be here today. In all our plain speaking, plans and projections, this was a destination unknown.  Yet despite these traumatic events and the challenges of an invisible enemy the greatest danger in todays world is not the virus, it is true that the greatest enemies to the future of human life are corruption and lack of leadership.

What can we learn from these terrible events. The management of change while maintaining a strict focus is a skill that individuals lose as people move into adulthood. We look at the children around us and are amazed, much like the some corporate and political leaders they manage to adapt. Children seek to adapt and do so in giving positive energy to those around them after they accept that change is a reality, they are affected but are willing to seek the best for themselves and those they love.  Indeed it's striking the ability that children have to manage change. So we see that while we are amazed at the adjustments and abuses of corrupt leaders there are lessons to be learned. We have the opportunity to learn from children as parents, from students as teachers, and as citizens we learn from those who do us wrong. As children share their passion for live and appreciation for the smallest joys. The lessons that may be learned from such young experts has already begun to impact the world. Yes its a stress that we have the failures around us that we are tired of. The stress levels and anger issues take a tide. Let accountability start with each one of us and as that becomes a social culture we will be able to impact the highest levels of power. 

In a world that is filled with pain and suffering, as friends and family look outside and fail to connect through touch. Touch an action that we took for granted, the hug that expresses all the words that can not be written, the touch that is the response to the cries of the heart indeed the smile itself seems so afar surrounded by the glare of the screens background on the gadgets that have become our lifeline.  

Leadership is the capacity to share a goal and lead others to buy into the vision,  motivate progress to the goal, give direction and the willingness learn from the input of other while having the wisdom to stand against input that would harm. Leadership should not only be towards a select group, but take into account the holistic nature of our existence. The world is filled with change, yet that which should have changed the most may have even become more ingrained. 

How can we impact the world despite failure in leadership and corruption? If our focus becomes looking at their failings, the truth is we will fail to celebrate the gift of life. The one person you can change first and foremost is yourself. Like the lessons of the children of the world, who each settled to play and paint and see the good in the midst of this disruptive season. Take a breather, while leaders fail, while lobbyists and big corporates seek their agenda. Your duty is to manage your change, check your budget and usage, enjoy your family and recognise the wrong around you and identify what you can do, if register a complaint do so and leave it so that you take each day at a time.


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