Migration who belongs to whom?

Comment on a news report 

Migration who belongs to whom? 

When does a migrant become the property and responsibility of the country of origin? Who defines the time and place? The Stopped deportation of a Zimbabwean man, due to his HIV status and the risk of the country of origins health structures to his health. Has focused discussion in the media's between the battle of law and that of the desire of society. The questions of identity, obligations and justice have been raised. This man who is described as a career criminal who had lived for decades in the United Kingdom (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-52470783). He spent a fortune to remain in a land that he was brought into. He matured in this host nation, he abused the hospitality of the host nation and now the host nation will be asked to care for him on humanitarian grounds while citizens look on. 

As migration challenges continue to mount and the complexity of the impartial legal frameworks   around the world based on human rights for all, become loopholes for those who dare. A question that most that is not often asked is stated in the halls of power and the pub of the common men. What is to be done when the law of the land favours the unjust making the tax payer pay for more than the standard obligations. What are the obligations of the migration players, the migrant, host nations, nations of origin and transit countries. 

The desire to ensure all is done to keep him alive is a moral and legal option, does it represent Justice, potentially yes as defined by the application of the law, the question is? Is the results socially palatable ? More likely no, not to those who have chosen to take offence at the highlighted conveniences of the use of the finances, time and law. 

The reason this case is being focused on, is not so mush that he was a poor migrant in need. Rather he is considered a danger to the community that he matured into adulthood in, the community which feeling offended at his actions seek to cast him back home. A home that they chose at one time was not obliged to be part of. 

The migration issue continues to be full of stories of success, tragedy, hope and reflections, one only hopes that there will come a time when one does not see a migrant only when failure is found out. But that one may first be a person and then defined be it in the media and in private discussion. and that those who have arrived from around the world to settle in a new place would be judged on an individual level rather than a collective brash of bias. 

#migration #success #laws #justice #rights #politics #direction 


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