Accepting the good and the bad

Accepting the good and the bad 

Often we feel frustrated and angry when life gives us times of trouble, we feel we deserve better and that there others more suited for such punishment. Removing the attitude of entitlement and exchanging it with gratefulness leave us more positive, less prone to jealousy and self pity.

When good things happen it's a gift rejoice but never despise another, when your going through hard times learn, mature in your heart and grow strong in spirit so that you may share with others as your being lifted by someone (yes even that overwhelmingly positive person in your life is a gift)

Regardless what you think you should have seek to find good in what you do have, celebrating the new day and the gift of life that you did nothing to ensure. God gave you today, your life has a purpose so so live it in humility.

Job 2:10 Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?’

#faith #peace #isolation #assurance #wisdom #motivational #hope #trauma #trouble


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