You Owe Me

negative body language pointing fingerWhen we look around the world we see a a lot of people going thru a sense of frustration. Frustrated due to the lack of control over their lives and the actions of other. Many of us feel more at peace when we can guarantee results and plan so as to attain the maximum. While we move about seeking to make sure, we increasingly learn that we are not able to control every aspect of life. For some this moment breaks them and they enter into a downward spiral of panic and fear, for others this motivates them to try harder, while other accept it and move onwards. Some move on awaiting their chance and others give up refusing to hope for goodness to meet them. So while acceptance may appear healthy, it is important to answer why the choice was taken up.

When we give up on life, hope and the visions that once pulled us up each morning. We may become very angry at life and someone else, indeed anyone else. The rise of nationalistic feelings in the Covid Era, is a direct response to the frustration of individuals who realise they are not in control. The increasing social segmentation in communities is based on the hope of value and identity. To be part of the us, even if it means creating a them that must be fought off at any cost. For to be part of a righteous battle is better than doing nothing. The pain of inaction while their world crumbles, the fear of self blame if they take the time to reflect and the bitterness of being the one to suffer unlike abc... All increase the vulnerability of good people to become a bad mob.

There has been polarisation of politics, the increasing assessment of leadership and the pointing off the finger of blame from one group to another. The failure to accept that life is something we can not control, and that we are debtors to life and the world is increasingly building walls that will be difficult to pulldown in the post covid era.

Why do I feel that I am owed, why must that particular group owe me and pay what back? When was it taken, why was it take and how was it take? Is my loss tragic or an opportunity for growth?

Who do I owe? I asked that question of a group of people after passionate exchanges over the unfairness of another group was expressed. But who do I owe? What do I owe in this season? more than money and material exchange do I owe anyone anything?

Do I not owe the past for the lesson learned? Do i not owe my teachers and mentors for their input and care? Do I not owe the gift life today, the family that I have the patience and love that they give me? Do I not owe the future generation the duty to life right and express love and justice with ethics and forgiveness?

Romans 8:12 So then, brethren, we are debtors, but not to the flesh [we are not obligated to our carnal nature], to live [a life ruled by the standards set up by the dictates] of the flesh. Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.  Psalm 37:21 The wicked borrows and does not repay, But the righteous shows mercy and gives.

As you journey through the day, and remember all the things others have not done, and desire to pass on the pain that you are feeling. take a time to breath and remember all those who showed you love even for just one moment. Say a prayer of gratefulness and pass on the debt you owe. For I owe you and you owe me the gift of love and the mercy of the second chance, the smile that removes all the burdens off our back.

You Owe Me!!


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