The right of all In 2011, Shaun Alberto de Freitas and Georgia Alida Myburgh wrote a paper on the rights of the unborn child. Seeking Deliberation on the Unborn in International Law Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2011 . They emphasized that the paper stand for a push to ensure that the international community define the status of the unborn child, who has been relegated due to lack of priorities, but despite the need to define the child this is not an attack against women, “bearing in mind that opposition to abortion does not of itself constitute an attack on a woman's right to respect for privacy in her life”. The right of all, the value of every life and the struggle of this truth in the current world environment is a tragic fact. Why should black lives matter be more important than all lives matter, can the chat not be because all lives matter black lives must matter. Does black lives matter represent not a social growth that seeks the elevation...